Green Design

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Architectural Furniture

Doing research for my project Architectural Furniture I came across a Green Garden Pod made by two French designers Dainiel Pouzet and Fred Fret. They made a suspended chair called a NESTREST, designed around the idea of a bird's nest. This garden chair/pod is made out of woven Dedon fiber and offers an outdoor relaxing experience.

I have designed a hanging Pod chair based around the idea of a raindrop. My site is the porch with three arches in the chelsea parade ground (below)
I then designed a pod chair that would hang from the highest point of the arches and when someone sits in it, it extends like a raindrop.
Continuing with the theme Re-Use, Re-Cycle, Re-Build, I designed the base of the pod to be a woven wicker basket, creating a strong structure for the sitting person. The extendable sides will be made from left over Speedo swimsuits from the last shelter project.
I will also add in see-through 'windows' where the user can survey the parade ground, while still feeling the safety and privacy of the enclosed pod.
Below is my proposed pod.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds good and also interesting. I would like to sit on it. Really great pod.
    French country furniture
